Walking around his home in Charleston, South Carolina, it seems almost like a shrine to his sailing career, with trophies lining every surface, stacked one on top of the other. He can no longer tell you how many races he’s been in, or how many times he’s won. But Lenny does not race for glory, the feature magazine articles, or for the 1st place trophies. For him, sailing is much more than winning. He describes sailing, not only as a sport, but as a sort of guide book to life.
Lenny refers to sailing as a “young- man’s sport,” but at 76, he’s blowing those young men out of the water. 70+ years of sailing under his belt, Lenny begins every race thinking that he can win, and most of the time he does just that.
An incredibly modest man, Lenny says he doesn't know how much longer his body would be able to take the activity of racing sailboats, but he's plans to continue competitively racing sailboats for as long as he is able to.