Developing the Job Description

The hiring official, search committee chair, and/or search committee develops the position description, keeping in mind that eliminating unnecessary qualifications can widen the pool of candidates. If a clear job description does not exist, it is important to develop one.

The purpose of the job description is to define the expectations, functions, and requirements of the position. The description that you develop will not only be instrumental in the creation of a job advertisement; it will serve as the basis for how the committee reviews, interviews, and selects candidates. The search committee should reference the description at every stage of the search.

Consideration should be given to whether a position or job category is underutilized by women, minorities, or both, as established in the University's equal opportunity plan. Consult the Workforce Profile in PeopleAdmin for additional information on the underutilization of women and minorities at UNC Chapel Hill. The Equal Opportunity/Compliance Office can also assist by reviewing the vacancy notice and ascertaining whether there will be an appropriate level of advertising and recruiting to assemble a diverse and competitive pool of applicants. If necessary, the search committee should develop strategies to address underrepresentation.

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UNC-Chapel Hill Online Search Committee Training