Ecology 563—Assignments

General instructions for all assignments

For all questions submit your answer as well as the R code you used to produce your answer. Solutions to assignments must satisfy the following format. Your submission should consist of two parts with both parts contained in the same document.

  1. The first part should consist of your answers to specific questions. This should include written answers to the individual questions as well as any figures, tables, and annotated output needed to justify your answers. Integrate output, graphs, and text in a single document. For R output pasted into your document use a non-proportional (typewriter) font such as Courier or Courier New to get the columns in the output to line up correctly. Graphics can be copied and pasted directly from the R graphics window, or saved first and then imported into your document. Do not intersperse your R code with the answers except in those cases where the R code itself is the answer to the question.
  2. The second part should consist of the R code that you used to generate your results. The code should be complete enough so that someone else could enter your code at their computer without modification and obtain exactly the output you claim to have obtained. Don't include spurious or superfluous code. Ideally I should be able to paste the code you send me directly into my own R console window and get all of the results you report without error messages.

I prefer that you submit your homework electronically as an email attachment. Your document may be in the form of an MS Word document (preferred), pdf, or some other formatted type (assuming I'm able to read it). Your solutions should be sent to me on or before the due date by ordinary email or via Sakai.

Assignment 1 (due Friday, September 7)  Analysis of variance

Assignment 2 (due Friday, September 14)  Analysis of variance graphics

Assignment 3 (due Friday, September 21)  Difference-adjusted confidence intervals for interaction graphs; analysis of an RCBD

Assignment 4 (due Friday, September 28)  Analysis of a randomized complete block design

Assignment 5 (due Friday, October 5)  Analysis of covariance

Assignment 6 (due Friday, October 12)  Split plot designs

Assignment 7 (due Friday, October 26)  Poisson regression

Assignment 8 (due Friday, November 2)  Negative binomial regression

Assignment 9 (due Friday, November 9)  Model selection

Assignment 10 (due Friday, November 16)  Count regression and rates

Assignment 11 (due Friday, November 30)  Bayesian estimation of an ANOVA model

Final Exam Part 1 (due Friday, December 7)

Final Exam Part 2 (due Monday, December 10)

Course Home Page

Jack Weiss
Phone: (919) 962-5930
Address: Curriculum for the Environment and Ecology, Box 3275, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 27599
Copyright © 2012
Last Revised--December
3, 2012