Transcript of Video 1

Narrator: The search procedure you're about to undertake carries with it a great social and legal responsibility. As a federal contractor and employer, we are obligated to follow laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of a person's race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status, national origin, citizenship, or marital status. Since these laws directly impact recruitment and hiring activities in which a search committee is engaged, your understanding of them is essential.

[Insert your school name] is also an affirmative action employer. We must continually strive to take positive steps — affirmative action — to break down obstacles in our efforts to create a diverse workforce that is reflective of the citizens of [insert your state name] and the nation.

Equal opportunity and affirmative action are both legal as well as ethical obligations. It is up to you, as a member of a University search committee, to fulfill these commitments. We are counting on you to not only comply with the required processes of the search, but also to know and understand the legal boundaries of your role as a search committee member.

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UNC-Chapel Hill Online Search Committee Training