Notices Concerning Disruptions and Other Matters of Interest


Check this page regularly for changes to the schedule or other important information.

Plans for the course may change as the term proceeds, and changes will be announced here.

May 7, 2011

I have posted my answers and additional comments for the questions on the final exam. Scores will be posted shortly.

May 2, 2011

The final exam will be in Gardner 007 on Thursday, starting at 4 pm. There will be ten questions - same length as the midterm. I plan to leave at 6 pm, but that should give you enough time.

April 27, 2011

The class schedule includes an extra review session on Wednesday May 4. This is entriely optional, but I plan to hold court in Howell Hall, room 201, at 2 p.m. I'll be there until 4 p.m., or as long as anyone has questions to ask, whichever is later. If 201 turns out to be occupied, there are other class rooms near by. Look in rooms 203 or 207.

April 21, 2011

I have graded responses to Assignment 6. You should read my general comments on the Assignments page, since a number of the comments may apply to your term paper as well. There are some important principles to bear in mind when you design an experiment to test a theory. In this sense, Assignment 6 was a good practice trial for the term paper.

April 7, 2011

I have graded responses to Assignment 5. You should find my comments along with your answer on the Sakai portal. I added some general comments to the Assignments page.

April 3, 2011

Note that there is no reading assignment for Tuesday, only Assignment 5. However, there are readings on social dilemmas due for Thursday, and an update due on your term paper. The Nowak et al reading may be rather heavy going, though it's short, and understandable if you take it carefully.

For the term paper progress report, you should focus on the research question that you hope to address, and make clear what theoretical ideas motivate that question. Provide a list of articles or books you have read, or plan to read. Feel free to sketch the outlines of your proposed experiment or experiments, but don't worry too much about that part yet. If the research question is developed well, the research will almost design itself. (Well, maybe not, but it will be a lot easier to design)

March 22, 2011

Another change to the schedule of reading assignments : I concluded that there was insufficien time to include everything,so dropped Chapter 13 from the reading list.

The material in Chapter 13 is rather peripheral to other topics in the course. It's still interesting though, and it would be worth your time to skim through the chapter.

March 16, 2011

I have changed the reading assignments for the special topic on Rationality and Reasoning, and the associated study guide questions. The original assignment was probably too difficult. You should find these readings quite easy to understand.

March 13, 2011

I made some small changes to the schedule of readings and assignments for the second half of the term. Most important, the due date for the next assignment (Assignment 4) has been pushed back to March 22. Although the schedule indicates that the date for Chapter 10 is March 17, I don't expect to get to it until March 22.

March 9, 2011

Check the extended comments on Exam 1 for information about the correct answer to each question, and notes on some common errors.

March 1, 2011

See this list of review questions for the exam. These are the questions I went over in class, plus a few more that I did not have time to get to.

February 27, 2011

I made some minor (I hope) changes to some of the questions on Exam 1. One or two that actually contained two questions were split into separate items. In some other cases I rephrased the question to make it clear that an answer requires only two or three sentences.

Be sure to review these questions prior to Tuesday's class.

February 26, 2011

I have graded responses to Assignment 3, and this time I think you should find my comments along with your answer. Again, I added some general comments to the Assignments page.

Another source of grade credit is class participation. There have not been a lot of opportunities for participation to date, but I assigned up to 15 points based on the following criteria:

February 14, 2011

Today is the first day of another battle between machine and the human mind. IBM's Watson computer takes on the two leading players of Jeopardy. Here are some related references, and thoughts on what it might all mean.

February 9, 2011

I am working my way through responses to Assignment 2. If you submitted your answer as an attachment, with no entry at all in the box provided for an answer in Sakai, I seem to have no way of returning comments to you. In these cases, therefore, I am sending an email with my comments.

Again, I added some general comments to the Assignments page.

January 26, 2011

Some students have had difficulty accessing the pdf file for the special topics reading. Now, I realize that most people will wait until the previous evening (or later) to read the assignment. But it would be well worth your while to download all of the assigned readings as soon as you can. If you do encounter problems, let me know and I can email you a copy of the pdf file.

January 26, 2011

As I work through the grading of Assignment 1, I add some brief comments to each submitted answer. I don't know how these reach you - if they are not sent automatically you should be able to access them through the Sakai portal.

In addition, look at the general comments that I added to the Assignments page on the course web site.

January 25, 2011

I have changed the grading criteria so that the points total for each item has been doubled. This does not represent any substantive change to the grading; it was simply to avoid having to assign half points.

January 11, 2011

Note that there are required readings for most class periods. It's important that you keep up with the readings.

Sakai Pilot Project. This web site is part of the UNC Sakai Pilot Project. You must use the Sakai portal to submit assignments, and you can find information there about your grade. If you have questions about the course material, you may post them in the discussion forum and I'll provide an answer (if I can!)

You are invited to share your experience and thoughts about Sakai with the project organizers. More information is available at the web site for the Sakai Pilot Project.