Benefits of Taijiquan


Benefits of Taijiquan


•Increases sensitivity to musculoskeletal balance

•Promotes greater flexibility, particularly in hips and legs

•Develops easier mechanical habits: lifting, pushing, walking, etc.

•Expands ability to intake and process more oxygen

•Promotes sense of laterality; excellent training addition for sports

•Lengthens spine

•Increases blood flow to internal organs

•Mild cardiovascular effect without overtraining

•Increases joint mobility and stability

•Reduces excessive surface muscle tension

•Stimulates immune system resistance to illness


•Promotes equanimity in mental outlook

•Reduces “chatter” in mind

•Provides an approach to correcting everyday movement habits

•Establishes a model derived from natural motion cycles

•Movement disciplines and stimulates the mind

•Develops focus and concentration abilities

•Sensitizes to subtle internal and external shifts in energy state

•Refreshes the mind when used as a “break” in everyday activity

•A long-practiced tradition, with sense of ritual and history

•May be practiced throughout life