Going Beyond Green: The Transcendental Meditation Program at the Tower Companies

"Jeffrey S. Abramson is a partner in The Tower Companies [website], a three-generation, award winning, family-owned real estate development company located in Rockville, MD, the largest Green Developer in the Washington, DC area, and one of the largest purchasers of Green Energy in the country, buying 100% wind energy for their electrical energy needs. The Tower Companies is one of only thirteen carbon-neutral companies in the U.S."

"For Jeffrey Abramson it was clear that going beyond green takes more than just the material level of a building to really elevate the creative experience. Creativity being a product of the stillness of the mind the company decided to introduce the Transcendental Meditation program to its staff.  To create an environment to excel the Tower Companies decided to go beyond green and build the 2000 Tower Oaks Boulevard office complex according to the ancient principles of Vedic Architecture - Maharishi Sthapatya Veda."