The Intelligent Optimist, Jan-Feb 2013;11(1)
The revenge of the spirit

A new era of consciousness is coming - and it will change everything. 

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"... if we want to contribute to solving problems—and that’s the core of our mission—we need to go to deeper levels. A law implemented to right a wrong in society often provokes “side effects” that cause new problems. Hence the need to go deeper and discover solutions that hold for generations to come. Ultimately that means solutions that address the way we think, where we put our attention and intention, what we believe." (Jurriaan Kamp, President and Editor-in-Chief, The Intelligent Optimist)

The revenge of the spirit, by Jurriaan Kamp (36-40)
Humanity stands at the threshold of a new era: the era of consciousness. After conquering the external world, human beings will discover their inner selves.

When monks rule, by Jurriaan Kamp (44-48)  (pdf of this article)
Rigorous research shows that group meditation reduces conflict and violence in society. [Note: see also Oprah Winfrey, Next Chapter episode on "America's most unusual town", episode 103, 3/25/2012]

Levitating for a better world, by Jurriaan Kamp (50-53)  (pdf of this article)
Selling his telecom company made Paul Gelderloos rich. Now he plans to spend millions reducing world poverty—through meditation.

The Oneness Declaration, by Ervin László (42-43)
Sixteen hallmarks of the new consciousness.

Plus other articles, e.g., Lynn Stout, "The fallacy of shareholder value"

(recommended by Steve Drage)