Randolph Carter receives Maharishi Award for being a National Diversity Leader (spring 2018)

Posted by Sibongile West to TMC Legacy and Beyond

Randolph Carter became a Teacher of TM in 1971. In the 1970s, he along with George Ellis were the first TM teachers to teach TM in California State Prisons. He went on to introduce TM in public and private schools and has consulted with the David Lynch Foundation on some of their community projects.

Randolph is nationally recognized as a founder of diversity leadership conferences for middle schools. The model has been replicated across the country. He is currently the Director of Campus Equity at Portland Community College. Educators are invited to share their knowledge and best practices while learning from the top researchers in the fields of racial literacy and gender diversity.

In this photo, Randolph Carter is receiving the Maharishi Award for his leadership and many successes teaching the TM Program.

— with Randolph Carter.

Photo of Randolph Carter receiving the Maharishi Award

Richard Beall, Head of the Maharishi School, Fairfield IA, presents the Maharishi Award to Randolph Carter in April 2018.

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