NABSW Founders These young, determined, courageous Black social workers laid the foundation for a national organization that would continue to speak boldly for equitable social justice and human rights for Black families, children and communities. As stated by NABSW founder, Dr. Shirley Better, NABSW "...allow[s] us the freedom to discuss, among ourselves with no restrictions, the plight of African Americans in the U.S." Today, the living Founders and the spirits of those who have transitioned, continue to guide the organization and remind us of our mission, vision and history. the 14th Annual Videoconference (on "Men's Health Disparities") was broadcast from the Tate-Turner Kuralt Building of the School of Social Work. The broadcast was dedicated to the memory of Audreye Johnson, the faculty member who among many other accomplishments created and led the Black Experience Workshop conducted by the School of Social Work over many years. Audreye Johnson Uses Her Education as Tool in Black Community By Yvonne Extine October 18, 1988 (continues at bottom of - see page 99 Syllabus for SOWO 387-47, African-American Women's Health Issues, Fall 1986 In: ED 284 820, Adele Clarke, Ed. et al. Teaching materials on women, health and healing California Univ. San Francisco, Health and Healing The Black Experience- Paperback – 1983 by editor- Audreye E. Johnson An American Health Dilemma, Volume I: A Medical History of African Americans and the Problem of Race: Beginnings to 1900. NY, Routledge, 2000. By W. Michael Byrd, Linda A. Clayton Includes an acknowledgement to Dr. Audreye Johnson Minority forum targets recruiting Denise Moultrie The Daily Tar Heel, 30 Jan 1986, page 3 The Fifth Annual Spring Conference on "Recruitment in Medical Careers" Audreye Johnson led workshop #4, Careers in Psychology and Social Work Social work : a cultural perspective / Audreye Johnson In: African American sociology : a social study of the Pan-African diaspora James L Conyers; Alva P Barnett Chicago : Nelson-Hall Publishers, ©1999. PRRAC vol 7 no 2, March/April 1998 "From Freedom in Africa, to Racist Enslavement in America & the Quest for Dignity in a Race-based Society" is the 19th Annual Black Experience Workshop, March 26-27 in Chapel Hill, sponsored by the UNC School of Social Work. Inf. from Dr. Audreye Johnson, UNC CB# 3550, 301 Pittsboro St., Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3550, 9 l 9/962- 6489, E-mail: aejohnso@ The National Association of Black Social Workers has taken a firm stance against white parents adopting black children, saying it tears them from their culture and leaves them unprepared to face life as blacks. Instead of promoting interracial adoptions, advocates say, the government should work harder to preserve black families and recruit black adoptive parents. "The parent has to teach the child not only to be human, but to be black," said Audreye Johnson, associate professor at the School of Social Work at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a founder of the black social workers' association. She and other black adoption advocates say agencies have a history of discouraging black parents through such things as office hours inconvenient for working parents, social workers insensitive to cultural differences, and standards that disqualify good families who aren't rich or well-educated. BILL DOESN'T QUIET FUROR OVER INTERRACIAL ADOPTION Ann Doss Helms, Knight-Ridder/Tribune CHICAGO TRIBUNE October 18, 1994 But as local social welfare experts warn, poverty does exist. "It's not as open, but it is here," said Audreye Johnson, professor at the UNC School of Social Work. "The issue is that poverty is not easily seen because (the University) is isolated and insulated from it. ... Johnson said the Northside neighborhood -- an area located north of Rosemary Street on the Chapel Hill-Carrboro border -- is known for its poor living conditions. "You can see the difference in housing there," she said." Jenny Huang, 2/25/2002, Daily Tar Heel Chapel Hill Poverty Not Easily Seen ***DOWNLOAD CHAPTER 6. “WE’LL BUILD OUR OWN THING”: THE EXIT STRATEGY OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK SOCIAL WORKERS FROM THE BLACK POWER MOVEMENT AND AMERICAN SOCIAL WORK, AND GET PERPETUAL ONLINE ACCESS AS WELL FOR ONLY $5. in: The Black Power Movement and American Social Work Joyce M. Bell See Audiotape T-40278/829 Feature Reel Cuts 1-07 (aired 3/17/88 through 3/25/88), 7 March 1988 Israeli Diplomat on Mideast - Muhammed Mussarwa, long version; Southeastern Historical Keyboard Society - Randall Love interview; Black Experience workshop: Issues - Dr. Audreye Johnson and Dr. Andrew Billingsly comment; Polinet - Political Science on computer - Dr. Micahel Vasu, N.C. State University; The Space Program: What Profit? - Alex Roland, his views on privatization of the space agency, long version; the Space Program: What Profit?, long version; Composer Ulysses Kay interview; Reel 1 of 1; 60:00; 7.5 ips Not found - look in Google archive?