Beyond Tolerance (link)

Most of us were raised to believe that tolerance is a good thing, but is it enough or just the bare minimum? This hour, TED speakers on how to move beyond tolerance to a place of deeper understanding.

Part 1: Arthur Brooks: Why Do Conservatives Need Liberals — And Vice Versa? (9 min) (link)

Social scientist Arthur Brooks explains how conservatives and liberals can cooperate to overcome gridlock and build a better economy..

Part 2: Vernā Myers: How Can We Have A More Candid Conversation About Race? (14 min) (link)

Diversity advocate Vernā Myers makes a powerful case for acknowledging our subconscious biases and assumptions about others.

Part 3: Aspen Baker: What's A Better Way To Talk About Abortion? (12 min) (link)

The strong emotions sparked by abortion leave little room for thoughtful debate. To cut through the tension, Aspen Baker says we should calmly tell — and listen to — stories about women who had abortions or decided not to.

Part 4: Aziz Abu Sarah: How Can Tourism Promote Peace In The Middle East? (13 min)? (link)

Social entrepreneur and educator Aziz Abu Sarah describes how he came to lead tours in which Jews, Muslims, and Christians cross contested borders to spend time in each others cultures.