Getting Organized (link)

Even the most seemingly chaotic systems have some order to them. This episode, TED speakers explore the inner architecture of living systems, from ant colonies to corporations to social movements.

Deborah Gordon: Why Don't Ants Need A Leader? (link)

Part 1 of the TED Radio Hour episode Getting Organized

The world's largest ant colony stretches over 3,700 miles. It succeeds, biologist Deborah Gordon says, because no one is in charge. The ants communicate with algorithmic patterns to survive and thrive.

How Do You Help Your Town Dig Out From A Disaster? (link)

Part 2 of the TED Radio Hour episode Getting Organized

Morgan O'Neill was 24 years old when she and her sister spearheaded the effort to rebuild their town after a tornado. Later, she developed a way to help other communities rebuild after disasters.

Why Are Social Causes Easy To Launch But Hard To Win? (link)

Part 3 of the TED Radio Hour episode Getting Organized

These days, all it takes to start a protest is a cell phone, says professor Zeynep Tufekci. But does the ease of social media impede social movements from making big gains?

What Happens When You Run a Company With (Almost) No Rules? (link)

Part 4 of the TED Radio Hour episode Getting Organized

When Ricardo Semler became the CEO of his father's company, he reorganized it with the belief that less management and more flexibility meant a better workplace and bigger profits.

How Can Kids Help Parents Manage Their Family? (link)

Part 5 of the TED Radio Hour episode Getting Organized

Parents help their kids manage their lives. But according to Bruce Feiler, it can work the other way around. It just takes a little insight drawn from Japanese computer programming principles.