Screening of The Power to Heal, with panel discussion

The video documentary The Power to Heal was screened at the Duke Trent Semans Center on April 18, 2018. The screening featured a panel with David Barton Smith, author of the book on which the documentary is based, and also C. Eileen Watts Welch and Brenda Armstrong, MD, whose fathers, respectively, Dr. Charles D. Watts, Sr. (1917-2004) and Dr. Wiley "Army" Armstrong (1931-1981), played a central role in the movement to desegregate hospitals first in North Carolina and then nationally.

The panelists affiliations are:

Link to the audio recording*. Contents, with time points:

* Non-professionally recording by Victor Schoenbach. A Sony digital audio recorder was placed on the table from where the panelists spoke, so their voices were captured well; the audio for the moderator and the video itself are not as clear.