- Up one level
- BBC - Cecil the lion: US dentist blamed for Zimbabwe killing
BBC, 2/28/2015 "Conservationists in Zimbabwe say the man who paid $50,000 (£32,000) to kill the country's most famous lion was an American dentist."
- BBC Milton Nkosi - Why Zambia lifted ban on hunting lions and leopards
Why Zambia lifted ban on hunting lions and leopards By Milton Nkosi BBC Africa, Johannesburg, 25 May 2015
- Conservation Targets: Do They Help?
Conservation Targets: Do They Help? Michael E. Soulé, M. A. Sanjayan Science 27 March 1998:279(5359):2060-2061
- Defaunation
Vanishing fauna, An empty forest, An animal-rich future, Defaunation in the Anthropocene, Reversing defaunation
- EPA says pesticide harms bees in some cases
EPA says pesticide harms bees in some cases Seth Borenstein, Associated Press, Jan. 6, 2016
- WRAL documentary Net Effect about commercial fishing in coastal NC