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- Climate Change Journalist Warns: 'Mother Nature Is Playing By Different Rules Now' (37 min)
NPR Fresh Air, Oct 24, 2017. Terry Gross interviews author Jeff Goodell, who writes that American cities are under threat from extreme weather, rising sea levels and lax enforcement of environmental regulations. His new book is The Water Will Come.
- Conservatives Make The Case For Action On Climate Change
NPR/WAMU 1A, with Joshua Johnson, Feb 16 2017 Prominent Republicans — from former Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson to the former chair of the board of Walmart — are urging the White House and Congress to adopt a new market-based plan to address climate change. It establishes a carbon tax and dividend program. But would that reduce emissions? Will Republicans in office go for it? And what would happen to existing environmental regulations? Joshua Johnson with guests: Ted Halstead founder, president and CEO of the Climate Leadership Council, a research and advocacy organization. He founded New America, a public policy think-tank. He is author of "The Radical Center: The Future of American Politics." Nathaniel Keohane Vice president, Global Climate, Environmental Defense Fund. Chris Mooney energy and environment reporter, Washington Post Greg Mankiw Professor of economics, Harvard University; former Chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers from 2003 to 2005 under President George W. Bush. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap National organizer and spokesperson, Young Evangelicals for Climate Action
- Frontline - Fairness Out, Shame in. The Psychology of the Paris Climate Talks
Fairness Out, Shame in. The Psychology of the Paris Climate Talks Katie Worth, Tow Journalism Fellow, FRONTLINE/Columbia Journalism School Fellowships, December 9, 2015
- House Science, Space and Technology Committee subpoena
- House Votes To Deny Climate Science And Ties Pentagon’s Hands On Climate Change
Ryan Koronowski May 22, 2014 at 6:24 pm Updated: May 29, 2014 at 1:02 pm. ClimateProgress.
Related: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/05/29/3442887/scientists-rip-boehner-climate-comments/
- Silencing Science
Reveal, The Center for Investigative Reporting; co-produced with PRX. July 13, 2019
President Donald Trump says he doubts humans have much of a role in climate change. His administration has not only downplayed the science of climate change, it’s sought to silence scientists working for the federal government. In this hour, Reveal’s Elizabeth Shogren details the pressures one researcher faced as she worked on a project for the National Park Service.