Coal Ash
- Coal Ash: The toxic threat to our health and environment, a Report from Physicians for Social Responsibility and EarthJustice. Barbara Gottlieb with Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT and Lisa Gollin Evans,
- Introduction to coal ash in NC, NC Department of Environmental Quality
- Coal Ash disasters Founded in 1997, Appalachian Voices brings people together to protect the land, air and water of Central and Southern Appalachia and advance a just transition to a generative and equitable clean energy economy. More photos from the 2014 Dan River coal ash spill [in North Carolina], Wikipedia article
- North Carolina Orders Duke Energy To Excavate All Coal Ash, North Carolina Public Radio | By Associated Press, Lisa Philip, Laura Pellicer. Published April 1, 2019.
- Duke Energy Reaches $1.1B Deal to Resolve North Carolina Coal Ash Cost Issues, by Sonal Patel, Jan. 28, 2021, Power
- Duke coal ash clean up settlement shifts $1.1B in costs away from North Carolina ratepayers, Catherine Morehouse, Jan. 26, 2021, Utility Dive
- Clean-up settlement Duke Energy Wins $215M In Settlements With Insurers Over Coal Ash Costs (8/21). WUNC Radio. WFAE | By David Boraks, August 19, 2021
- How Duke and its foes agreed to the largest coal ash cleanup (1/21) Duke Energy Coal Ash Basin Closure Progress – (2020). Elizabeth Ouzts, January 13, 2020, Energy News Network
- Duke Energy: Our progress
- New Head of EPA Is Reportedly Taking North Carolina's Fight Against Coal Ash Ponds Nationwide
UNC and Chapel Hill
With thanks to Linda Brown and Nancy Watkins for these links.