Student Evaluation of Teaching Assistant: Criteria

In order to give the TAs and faculty feedback on TA performance in the course, you will be asked to complete an anonymous evaluation of your TA midway through the semester. Below are the questions that we ask the students. The evaluation is an online form and can be found in the module in which it is scheduled. Please check the course schedule for the due date. The faculty will summarize the evaluations and meet with each TA individually to discuss the results and offer help if needed. Thank you for taking the time to give your TA feedback!

1.      Does your TA provide helpful answers to any questions that you have about your case studies?

a.      Very helpful answers

b.      Somewhat helpful answers

c.      Not very helpful answers  

d.      Does not apply

2.      If you responded "somewhat helpful answers" or "not very helpful answers" to the question above, please explain:

3.      Does your TA provide helpful answers to any questions in general that you may have had?

a.      Very helpful answers

b.      Somewhat helpful answers

c.      Not very helpful answers  

d.      Does not apply

4.      If you responded "somewhat helpful answers" or "not very helpful answers" to the question above, please explain:

5.      Does your TA answer your questions in a timely manner? (By timely, we mean about 24 hours after you send your email.)

a.      Yes

b.      No

c.      Does not apply

6.      If you responded “no” to the question above, please explain:

7.      If questions arise in the group discussions on the discussion forum, does your TA, if asked, provide helpful answers or suggestions?

a.      Very helpful comments

b.      Somewhat helpful comments

c.      Not very helpful comments

d.      Does not provide comments

8.      If you responded "somewhat helpful comments," "not very helpful comments," or "does not provide comments" to the question above, please explain:

9.      Does your TA provide helpful comments and feedback on your group project?

a.      Very helpful comments

b.      Somewhat helpful comments

c.      Not very helpful comments

10.  If you responded "somewhat helpful comments" or "not very helpful comments" to the question above, please explain:

11.  Does your TA give back comments and feedback on your group project in a timely manner? (By timely we mean about 1-1.5 weeks after you submit your answers.)

a.      Yes

b.      No

12.   If you responded "no" to the question above, please explain:

13.  If you have any other comments you would like to make regarding your TA, please write in the space below.

14.  Finally, if you have any other comments you would like to make regarding this course, please write in the space below.