Assignment 11—Solution

Question 1

quinn <- read.csv('ecol 563/quinn1.csv')
  Density Season  Eggs
1       6 spring 1.167
2       6 spring 0.500
3       6 spring 1.667
4       6 summer 4.000

I create the variables needed for the BUGS program.

x1 <- as.numeric(quinn$Density==12)
x2 <- as.numeric(quinn$Density==24)
z <- as.numeric(quinn$Season=="summer")
y <- quinn$Eggs
n <- length(y)

The regression model we're fitting written in terms of dummy variables is the following.



x1, x2, z

The BUGS program that implements the two-factor interaction model is shown below.

for(i in 1:n) {
y.hat[i] <- b0 + b1*x1[i] + b2*x2[i] + b3*z[i] + b4*x1[i]*z[i] + b5*x2[i]*z[i]
tau.y <- pow(sigma.y,-2)

I create the objects needed by WinBUGS and run the model. <- list("n", "y", "x1", "x2", "z")
quinn.inits <- function() {list(b0=rnorm(1), b1=rnorm(1), b2=rnorm(1), b3=rnorm(1), b4=rnorm(1), b5=rnorm(1), sigma.y=runif(1))}
quinn.parms <- c("b0", "b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "sigma.y")
setwd("C:/Users/jmweiss/Documents/ecol 563/models")
quinn.1 <- bugs(, quinn.inits, quinn.parms, "quinnmodel.txt", = "C:/WinBUGS14", n.chains=3, n.iter=100, debug=T)
quinn.1 <- bugs(, quinn.inits, quinn.parms, "quinnmodel.txt", = "C:/WinBUGS14", n.chains=3, n.iter=10000, debug=T)
quinn.1.jags <- jags(, quinn.inits, quinn.parms, "quinnmodel.txt", n.chains=3, n.iter=10000)

I display trace plots of the individual Markov chains for each parameter. The chains appear to be mixing wel and traversing the same region of parameter space.


Fig. 1   Trace plots of individual Markov chains for each parameter.

The summary table reveals that all the Rhat values are near 1 and the effective sample sizes (n.eff) are all large. All of this suggests that we are sampling from the posterior distributions of the various parameters.

           mean    sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5%  Rhat n.eff
b0        1.110 0.242  0.607  0.954  1.098  1.261  1.576 1.000  1000
b1       -0.001 0.352 -0.672 -0.228  0.004  0.231  0.689 1.000  1000
b2       -0.427 0.359 -1.161 -0.649 -0.415 -0.198  0.256 1.000  1000
b3        2.789 0.346  2.095  2.561  2.786  2.996  3.493 1.003  1000
b4       -1.008 0.502 -2.016 -1.311 -1.004 -0.697 -0.050 1.003  1000
b5       -1.470 0.506 -2.488 -1.788 -1.461 -1.180 -0.442 1.000  1000
sigma.y   0.432 0.107  0.280  0.357  0.413  0.484  0.682 1.000  1000
deviance 18.498 5.097 11.053 14.832 17.800 21.050 30.463 1.000  1000

Question 2

The 95% percentile credible intervals are returned in the summary table. The HPD intervals can be obtained by applying the HPDinterval function to the sims.matrix component of the bugs object. I collect them together in a single table.

[1] "b0"       "b1"       "b2"       "b3"       "b4"       "b5"       "sigma.y"  "deviance"
out.hpd <- HPDinterval(as.mcmc(quinn.1$sims.matrix)[,1:7])
          lower     upper
b0       0.6335  1.602000
b1      -0.6425  0.704200
b2      -1.1030  0.305500
b3       2.1190  3.504000
b4      -1.9430  0.001201
b5      -2.5220 -0.488700
sigma.y  0.2626  0.650600
[1] 0.9500998
[1] "mean"  "sd"    "2.5%"  "25%"   "50%"   "75%"   "97.5%" "Rhat"  "n.eff"
[1] "b0"       "b1"       "b2"       "b3"       "b4"       "b5"       "sigma.y"  "deviance" <- data.frame(quinn.1$summary[1:7, c("mean", "2.5%","97.5%")], out.hpd)
colnames([2:5] <- c('percent 2.5', 'percent 97.5', 'HPD 2.5', 'HPD 97.5')
          mean percent 2.5 percent 97.5 HPD 2.5 HPD 97.5
b0       1.110       0.607        1.576   0.634    1.602
b1      -0.001      -0.672        0.689  -0.642    0.704
b2      -0.427      -1.161        0.256  -1.103    0.306
b3       2.789       2.095        3.493   2.119    3.504
b4      -1.008      -2.016       -0.050  -1.943    0.001
b5      -1.470      -2.488       -0.442  -2.522   -0.489
sigma.y  0.432       0.280        0.682   0.263    0.651

Question 3


Fig. 2   Estimated posterior densities for individual regression parameters

Question 4

The individual means are obtained by assigning appropriate values to the dummy variables of the regression model. Table 1 below lists the dummy variable assignments and the corresponding expressions for the six means.

Table 1   Individual means as determined by the regression model
Season Density x1 x2 z Mean
Spring 6 0 0 0 muA
Spring 12 1 0 0 muB
Spring 24 0 1 0 regdummy3
Summer 6 0 0 1 summer
Summer 12 1 0 1
Summer 24 0 1 1

Method 1

One way to obtain estimates of the means is to place expressions for the means in the BUGS program, add them to the parameter list, and rerun the model. The modified BUGS program is shown below.

for(i in 1:n) {
y.hat[i] <- b0 + b1*x12[i] + b2*x24[i]+b3*z[i] + b4*x12[i]*z[i] + b5*x24[i]*z[i]
tau.y <- pow(sigma.y,-2)
# means
mean1 <- b0
mean2 <- b0 + b1
mean3 <- b0 + b2
mean4 <- b0 + b3
mean5 <- b0 + b1 + b3 + b4
mean6 <- b0 + b2 + b3 + b5

I create a new parameters object adding the six means to the list of parameters to be returned. Rather than refit the model from scratch I use the last values of the different chains from the previous run as initial values for a new run.

quinn.parms2 <- c("mean1", "mean2", "mean3", "mean4", "mean5", "mean6", "b0", "b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "sigma.y")
quinn.2 <- bugs(, quinn.1$last.values, quinn.parms2, "quinnmodel.txt", = "C:/WinBUGS14", n.chains=3, n.iter=10000, debug=T)
           mean    sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5%  Rhat n.eff
mean1     1.102 0.249  0.586  0.948  1.112  1.252  1.577 1.000  1000
mean2     1.126 0.242  0.652  0.963  1.130  1.282  1.633 1.012   380
mean3     0.667 0.243  0.144  0.503  0.673  0.838  1.145 1.001  1000
mean4     3.884 0.262  3.367  3.713  3.869  4.057  4.394 1.000  1000
mean5     2.897 0.250  2.393  2.740  2.894  3.054  3.373 1.004   890
mean6     1.984 0.240  1.491  1.831  1.978  2.139  2.456 1.001  1000
b0        1.102 0.249  0.586  0.948  1.112  1.252  1.577 1.000  1000
b1        0.024 0.340 -0.623 -0.186  0.008  0.234  0.734 1.002   910
b2       -0.435 0.348 -1.128 -0.658 -0.424 -0.218  0.249 1.000  1000
b3        2.782 0.375  2.065  2.549  2.780  3.007  3.552 1.000  1000
b4       -1.011 0.516 -2.077 -1.304 -1.010 -0.705 -0.029 1.000  1000
b5       -1.465 0.518 -2.435 -1.793 -1.466 -1.130 -0.461 1.000  1000
sigma.y   0.422 0.098  0.284  0.351  0.407  0.473  0.650 1.004   460
deviance 18.147 4.925 10.900 14.580 17.325 21.007 29.107 1.002   810

Method 2

There's actia;;u no need to refit the model. We can obtain the posterior distributions of each parameter from the posterior distributions of b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, and b5. We just use the formulas for the means on the corresponding columns of the sims.matrix component of the bugs model that contains samples from the posterior distributions. Then we calculate the .025 and .975 quantiles using the values in each vector.

post.mean <- data.frame(mean1=quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b0"], mean2=quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b0"] + quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b1"], mean3=quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b0"] + quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b2"], mean4=quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b0"] + quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b3"], mean5=quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b0"] + quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b1"] + quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b3"] + quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b4"],   mean6=quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b0"] + quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b2"] + quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b3"] + quinn.1$sims.matrix[,"b5"])
apply(post.mean, 2, mean)
   mean1    mean2    mean3    mean4    mean5    mean6
1.109545 1.108993 0.682457 3.898386 2.889691 2.000862
apply(post.mean, 2, function(x) quantile(x,c(.025,.975)))
          mean1    mean2     mean3    mean4    mean5    mean6
2.5%  0.6071675 0.620670 0.1728275 3.402343 2.402527 1.484685
97.5% 1.5759750 1.613133 1.1831560 4.424975 3.354662 2.562403

Comparing Bayesian and frequentist results

I fit the frequentist version of the model and obtain the 95% confidence intervals. I then append the Bayesian results.

out1 <- lm(Eggs~factor(Density)*Season, data=quinn)
out.g <- expand.grid(Density=levels(factor(quinn$Density)), Season=levels(quinn$Season))
freq <- data.frame(out.g,round(predict(out1, newdata=out.g, interval="confidence"),3))
bayes <- round(quinn.2$summary[1:6,c("mean", "2.5%", "97.5%")], 3)
both <- data.frame(freq, bayes)
names(both)[3:8] <- c('freq.mean', 'freq.low', 'freq.high', 'Bayes.mean', 'Bayes.low', 'Bayes.high')
  Density Season freq.mean freq.low freq.high Bayes.mean Bayes.low Bayes.high
1       6 spring     1.111    0.635     1.587      1.102     0.586      1.577
2      12 spring     1.111    0.635     1.587      1.126     0.652      1.633
3      24 spring     0.695    0.219     1.171      0.667     0.144      1.145
4       6 summer     3.887    3.411     4.363      3.884     3.367      4.394
5      12 summer     2.887    2.411     3.363      2.897     2.393      3.373
6      24 summer     2.000    1.524     2.476      1.984     1.491      2.456

hw 11

hw average

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Jack Weiss
Phone: (919) 962-5930
Address: Curriculum for Ecology and the Environment, Box 3275, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 27599
Copyright © 2012
Last Revised--December 1, 2012