Assignment 9—Solution

ozone <- read.table('ecol 562/ozone.txt', header=T)
 [1] "O3"       "vh"       "wind"     "humidity" "temp"     "ibh"      "dpg"    
 [8] "ibt"      "vis"      "day"    

Question 1

out.g0 <- gam(O3~s(vh)+ s(wind)+ s(humidity)+ s(temp)+ s(ibh)+ s(dpg)+ s(ibt)+ s(vis)+ s(day), data=ozone)
Family: gaussian
Link function: identity

O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(ibh) + s(dpg) +
    s(ibt) + s(vis) + s(day)

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)   11.776      0.198    59.3   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
             edf Ref.df     F p-value   
s(vh)       1.00   1.00  8.51 0.00380 **
s(wind)     1.00   1.00  5.29 0.02214 * 
s(humidity) 3.60   4.48  2.78 0.02220 * 
s(temp)     4.80   5.88  5.03 7.0e-05 ***
s(ibh)      3.03   3.71  1.28
s(dpg)      3.23   4.11 10.74 2.6e-08 ***
s(ibt)      1.84   2.37  1.37
s(vis)      2.26   2.82  6.26 0.00053 ***
s(day)      3.98   5.01 16.13 3.8e-14 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-sq.(adj) =  0.797   Deviance explained = 81.3%
GCV score = 14.099  Scale est. = 12.998    n = 330

Question 2

There are four models to consider. Each of these models contains all the other smooths but they differ in whether s(ibh) and s(ibt) are present.

I refit the first model using maximum likelihood.

out.g0a <- gam(O3~s(vh)+ s(wind)+ s(humidity)+ s(temp)+ s(ibh)+ s(dpg)+s(ibt)+ s(vis)+ s(day), data=ozone, method="ML")

Family: gaussian
Link function: identity

O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(ibh) + s(dpg) +
    s(ibt) + s(vis) + s(day)

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)   11.776      0.201    58.7   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
             edf Ref.df     F p-value   
s(vh)       1.00   1.00 10.27 0.00149 **
s(wind)     1.00   1.00  4.57 0.03325 * 
s(humidity) 1.00   1.00 10.68 0.00120 **
s(temp)     4.12   5.12  9.13 3.0e-08 ***
s(ibh)      1.00   1.00  0.01
s(dpg)      3.70   4.68  9.70 3.0e-08 ***
s(ibt)      1.00   1.00  2.19
s(vis)      2.03   2.54  6.76 0.00047 ***
s(day)      4.75   5.90 14.51 2.1e-14 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-sq.(adj) =  0.793   Deviance explained = 80.5%
ML score = 910.51  Scale est. = 13.297    n = 330

The p-values have changed but neither s(ibh) and s(ibt) yield statistically significant Wald tests.

I fit the remaining three models by dropping terms from this model.

out.g1a <- update(out.g0a, .~.-s(ibt))
out.g2a <- update(out.g0a, .~.-s(ibh))
out.g3a <- update(out.g2a, .~.-s(ibt))

There are a number of ways to proceed. We can start with both terms in the model and try to drop one of them. This is what the Wald tests are reporting.

#drop s(ibt) from the full model
anova(out.g1a, out.g0a, test='F')
Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(ibh) + s(dpg) +
    s(vis) + s(day)
Model 2: O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(ibh) + s(dpg) +
    s(ibt) + s(vis) + s(day)
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev    Df Deviance     F Pr(>F)
1     310.4       4143                           
2     309.4       4114 1.011    28.98 2.155 

# drop s(ibh) from the full model
anova(out.g2a, out.g0a, test='F')
Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(dpg) + s(ibt) +
    s(vis) + s(day)
Model 2: O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(ibh) + s(dpg) +
    s(ibt) + s(vis) + s(day)
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev     Df Deviance     F Pr(>F)
1     310.4       4115                            
2     309.4       4114 0.9878   0.8801 0.067 

Both of these tests agree with the Wald tests. The tests say that we can legitimately drop either smooth given that the other is present in the model. Under each scenario we can then try to drop the remaining smooth.

Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(dpg) + s(vis) +
Model 2: O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(ibh) + s(dpg) +
    s(vis) + s(day)
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev    Df Deviance     F Pr(>F)
1     310.9       4154                           
2     310.4       4143 0.537    10.84 1.512 

So having dropped s(ibt) we can now also drop s(ibt).

Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(dpg) + s(vis) +
Model 2: O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(dpg) + s(ibt) +
    s(vis) + s(day)
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev     Df Deviance     F Pr(>F) 
1     310.9       4154                              
2     310.4       4115 0.5603    38.94 5.242
0.0408 *
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

This test tells us that having dropped s(ibh) we should not drop s(ibt). When s(ibt) is in the model without s(ibh), s(ibt) is statistically significant. Finally we could try to drop both terms simultaneously.

Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(dpg) + s(vis) +
Model 2: O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(ibh) + s(dpg) +
    s(ibt) + s(vis) + s(day)
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev    Df Deviance     F Pr(>F)
1     310.9       4154                           
2     309.4       4114 1.548    39.82 1.934 

According to this test we could drop s(ibh) and s(ibt) together. Fig. 1 summarizes the different model comparisons we've made.


Fig. 1  Model comparisons involving s(ibt) and s(ibh)

The results of the partial F-tests are fairly clear. If you start with neither variable in the model model 3 in Fig. 1), then the partial F-test says you should add s(ibt) but not s(ibh). If you start with both variables in the model (model 0 in Fig. 1) then the partial F-test says you can drop either one. If you drop s(ibh) first then the partial F-test says you should not drop s(ibt). It’s only in the case when you choose to drop s(ibt) first that the partial F-test tells you to drop s(ibh) too and end up with neither. That’s why stepwise methods typically use forward and backward selection in selecting variables to deal exactly with this scenario.

So what should we conclude? Clearly the terms s(ibh) and s(ibt) are correlated and their presence together in a model is influencing the significance test of the other. The tests of either one in isolation, separated from the other, are more honest tests and tell us that we should retain s(ibt) but drop s(ibh). This conclusion is confirmed if we compare the four models using AIC.

             df     AIC
out.g0a 21.6084 1812.33
out.g1a 20.5974 1812.63
out.g2a 20.6207 1810.43
out.g3a 20.0604 1812.41

Thus we should retain s(ibt) and drop s(ibh).

Question 3

I refit the model without s(ibh) and plot the smooths.

out.g1 <- gam(O3~s(vh)+ s(wind)+ s(humidity)+ s(temp)+ s(dpg)+ s(ibt)+ s(vis)+ s(day), data=ozone, method="ML")
plot(out.g1, pages=1)

fig. 2

Fig. 2  Partial response functions corresponding to the seven smoother terms

We can obtain the estimated degrees of freedom for these smooths from the summary table of the model.

Family: gaussian
Link function: identity

O3 ~ s(vh) + s(wind) + s(humidity) + s(temp) + s(dpg) + s(ibt) +
    s(vis) + s(day)

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)     11.8        0.2    58.8   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
             edf Ref.df     F p-value   
1.00   1.00 10.74 0.00117 **
1.00   1.00  4.64 0.03192 * 
1.00   1.00 10.73 0.00117 **
s(temp)     4.12   5.12  9.80 7.4e-09 ***
s(dpg)      3.70   4.68  9.81 2.5e-08 ***
1.00   1.00  5.13 0.02419 * 
s(vis)      2.03   2.54  6.80 0.00045 ***
s(day)      4.76   5.91 15.16 4.7e-15 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-sq.(adj) =  0.793   Deviance explained = 80.5%
ML score = 910.52  Scale est. = 13.258    n = 330

From the graph and the summary output, the smooths of vh, wind, humidity, and ibt are roughly linear. I refit the model with these as linear terms.

out.g2 <- gam(O3~vh+ wind+ humidity+ s(temp)+ s(dpg)+ ibt+ s(vis)+ s(day), data=ozone, method="ML")

Question 4

Fig. 3 displays plots of the partial response functions for the remaining smooths.

fig. 3

Fig. 3  Partial response functions for the four remaining smooths

Each graph is too asymmetric to be a quadratic but we could try replacing the smooths with a breakpoint regression model consisting of two connected line segments with different slopes. To proceed we need to obtain an estimate for the location of the breakpoints. By inspecting the graphs we can obtain a reasonable range of values over which to search. The code below carries out the search for each smooth separately. In each case we keep the rest of the model the same but replace one smooth with a breakpoint model. So, in each case I replace the given s(x) with x + I((x-c)*(x>c)).

#replace s(temp)
my.aic <- NULL
for (i in 40:70){
out.g12 <- gam(O3~vh+ wind+ humidity+ temp+ I((temp-i)*(temp>i))+ s(dpg)+ ibt+ s(vis)+ s(day),data=ozone, method="ML")
my.aic <- rbind(my.aic, c(i,AIC(out.g12)))}
[1]   60.0 1809.2
out.g13 <- gam(O3~vh+ wind+ humidity+ temp+ I((temp-60)*(temp>60))+ s(dpg)+ ibt+ s(vis)+ s(day), data=ozone, method="ML")

#replace s(dpg)
my.aic <- NULL
for (i in -10:40){
out.g12 <- gam(O3~vh+ wind+ humidity+ s(temp)+ dpg+ I((dpg-i)*(dpg>i))+ ibt+ s(vis)+ s(day), data=ozone, method="ML")
my.aic <- rbind(my.aic, c(i,AIC(out.g12)))}
[1]   16.00 1808.91
out.g14 <- gam(O3~vh+ wind+ humidity+ s(temp)+ dpg+ I((dpg-16)*(dpg>16))+ ibt+ s(vis)+ s(day), data=ozone, method="ML")

#replace s(vis)
my.aic <- NULL
for (i in 100:250){
out.g12 <- gam(O3~vh+ wind+ humidity+ s(temp)+ s(dpg)+ ibt+ vis+ I((vis-i)*(vis>i))+ s(day), data=ozone, method="ML")
my.aic <- rbind(my.aic, c(i,AIC(out.g12)))}
[1]  200.00 1808.78
out.g15 <- gam(O3~vh+ wind+ humidity+ s(temp)+ s(dpg)+ ibt+ vis+ I((vis-200)*(vis>200))+ s(day), data=ozone, method="ML")

#replace s(day)
my.aic <- NULL
for (i in 100:200){
out.g12 <- gam(O3~vh+wind+humidity+s(temp)+s(dpg)+ibt+s(vis)+day+I((day-i)*(day>i)),data=ozone, method="ML")
my.aic <- rbind(my.aic, c(i,AIC(out.g12)))}
[1]  144.00 1807.12
out.g16 <- gam(O3~vh+ wind+ humidity+ s(temp)+ s(dpg)+ ibt+ s(vis)+ day+ I((day-144)*(day>144)), data=ozone, method="ML")

Table 1 summarizes the results of the search.

Table 1   Breakpoint model results
Variable Range examined Estimated breakpoint Reported AIC Actual AIC
(40, 70)
(–10, 40)
(100, 250)
(100, 200)

Question 5

The AIC values returned by the AIC function on each of the breakpoint models underestimates the number of parameters by 1 because it doesn't count the breakpoint parameter that we estimated by hand. Thus we need to add 2 to each of the AIC values because AIC = –2*log-likelihood + 2k, where k is the number of parameters. I recalculate the AIC and add to the list the AIC of the model that contains all four of the smooths.

out.AIC <- AIC(out.g2, out.g13, out.g14, out.g15, out.g16)
out.AIC[,2] <- out.AIC[,2] + c(0,2,2,2,2)
rownames(out.AIC) <- c('4 smooths','temp bp', 'dpg bp', 'vis bp', 'day bp')
                 df       AIC
4 smooths 20.620493 1810.4267
temp bp   18.396195 1811.1987
dpg bp    18.995947 1810.9062
vis bp    20.561629 1810.7763
day bp    17.905897

The AIC values of the breakpoint models exceed that of the four-smooth model except for the breakpoint model involving day. Thus we can legitimately argue that only s(day) should be replaced with a breakpoint model.

Question 6

Method 1

I start by plotting the smooth of day. To obtain just this smooth I plot the gam object and use the select argument to select the fourth smooth.

plot(out.g2, select=4)

To add the breakpoint model to this graph we need to know where to start it. The first value of day in the data set is 33.

[1] 33

To figure out what the y-coordinate of the smooth is at day = 33, I experiment by adding points to the graph with the points function. After trying a number of values near –5, I settle on –4.3. Fig. 4 shows the graph of the smooth with this point plotted.

plot(out.g2, select=4)

fig. 4

Fig. 4  Graph of s(day) with left-hand endpoint of the curve selected

Next I write a function for the breakpoint model. The coefficients of the breakpoint terms are entries 6 and 7 of the coefficients vector.

                 (Intercept)                           vh                         wind
                 -86.5611388                    0.0150986                   -0.2873694
                    humidity                          ibt                          day
                   0.0580733                    0.0170034                    0.0807739
I((day - 144) * (day > 144))                    s(temp).1                    s(temp).2
                  -0.1213450                    1.4457973                   -0.2622498

The breakpoint function is the following.

bp.func <- function(day) coef(out.g16)[6]*day + coef(out.g16)[7] * (day-144) * (day>144)

If we evaluate the breakpoint function at day = 33 we don't get –4.3.


We need to add a constant to the breakpoint model so that we get –4.3 at day = 33. The amount we need is –6.96544.

-4.3 - bp.func(33)

I rewrite the breakpoint function adding this constant to the expression and use the curve function to add the breakpoint function for day to the graph of the smooth.

bp.func <- function(day) coef(out.g16)[6]*day + coef(out.g16)[7] * (day-144) * (day>144) - 6.96554
curve(bp.func, add=T, col=2)

fig. 5

Fig. 5  Graph of s(day) along with the breakpoint model using Method 1

Method 2

A simpler method is to use the shift argument of plot.gam (the plot method for gam objects) and to specify for this argument the parametric portion of the gam model with all predictors set to their mean values.

plot(out.g2, select=4, shift=coef(out.g2)[1] + coef(out.g2)[2]*mean(ozone$vh) + coef(out.g2)[3]*mean(ozone$wind) + coef(out.g2)[4]*mean(ozone$humidity) + coef(out.g2)[5]*mean(ozone$ibt))

For the breakpoint function we do the same thing.

bp.func <- function(day) coef(out.g16)[6]*day + coef(out.g16)[7] * (day-144) * (day>144) + coef(out.g16)[1] + coef(out.g16)[2]*mean(ozone$vh) + coef(out.g16)[3]*mean(ozone$wind) + coef(out.g16)[4]*mean(ozone$humidity) + coef(out.g16)[5]*mean(ozone$ibt)
curve(bp.func, add=T, col=2)

Fig. 6

Fig. 6  Graph of s(day) along with the breakpoint model using Method 2

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Jack Weiss
Phone: (919) 962-5930
Address: Curriculum for the Environment and Ecology, Box 3275, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 27599
Copyright © 2012
Last Revised--March 27, 2012