Charlie Rose: Brain Series

Introductory Topic -The Great Mysteries of the Human Brain: consciousness, free will, perception, cognition, emotion and memory with a roundtable of brain researchers. Co-Host Eric Kandel from Columbia University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Cornelia Bargmann from Rockefeller University, Tony Movshon from New York University, John Searle from University of California Berkeley and Gerald Fischbach of the Simons Foundation. (link)

The Second Episode of the Charlie Rose Brain Series, sponsored by the Simons Foundation. The topic is The Perceiving Brain - Sight and Visual Perception. With Co-Host Eric Kandel of Columbia University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Tony Movshon of New York University, Pawan Sinha of MIT, Nancy Kanwisher of MIT, and Pawan Sinha of MIT (link)

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Charlie Rose Brain Series Episode Twelve: Creative Brain, a discussion about creativity with artists Richard Serra and Chuck Close, neurologist Oliver Sacks, Ann Temkin, chief curator of painting and sculpture at The Museum of Modern Art and Eric Kandel of Columbia University. (link)