Since 1983, FRONTLINE has served as American public television’s flagship public affairs series
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- Big Sky, Big Money
The joint project with “Marketplace” and ProPublica explores how the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision changed political campaigns in America. The documentary received an award ( The organization that was the primary focus of the documentary, Western Tradition Partnership, has since changed its name to American Tradition Partnership. In 2012 a Montana judge ruled in a suit filed by Christian and Allison LeFer that the documents described in the documentary were stolen property and should be returned to their owners. In October 2013 a federal judge in Montana ruled against the LeFer's ( A November ruling by District Judge Jeffrey Sherlock fined ATP $260,000, but ATP has become defunct ( and (More on ATP: More on the Supreme Court and political contributions:
- Locked up in America - 2 films: Solitary Nation, Prison State
PBS Frontline, April 22 and 29, 2014
- Rape in the Fields
- The Retirement Gamble
Retirement is big business in America, but is the system costing workers and retirees more than what they’re getting in return, asks FRONTLINE correspondent Martin Smith.
- The Secret State of North Korea
Includes video footage smuggled out of North Korea.
- Watchdog Calls Out DOJ For Mortgage Fraud Response
In a damning review of the Obama administration’s efforts to crack down on mortgage fraud, a new report has found that the Justice Department made the crime one of its lowest priorities while overstating its success in prosecuting such cases.